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Thema: Kidnapping of Shannon Matthews - Wikipedia (

Geschrieben von: Walter Pöchhacker am: 12.08.14, 22:46:54

[...] Shannon Louise Matthews (born 9 September 1998) is a British girl who disappeared on the afternoon of 19 February 2008 in Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, England.[1] The search for her became a major missing person police operation which was compared to the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.[2] She was found on 14 March 2008 at a house in Batley Carr, a short distance from Dewsbury. The house belonged to 39-year-old Michael Donovan, uncle of Craig Meehan - the boyfriend of the kidnapped girl's mother, Karen. The kidnapping was subsequently discovered to have been planned by Karen and Donovan in order to generate money from the publicity. Donovan was to have eventually "found" Shannon, taken her to a police station and claimed the reward money, which would be split between Donovan and Karen.

Donovan - also known as Paul Drake - was arrested at the scene, and charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment.[3][4] Matthews's mother was charged with child neglect and perverting the course of justice on 8 April 2008. The joint trial of Donovan and Karen Matthews at Leeds Crown Court commenced on 11 November 2008[5] and concluded on 4 December with both defendants found guilty of kidnapping, false imprisonment, and perverting the course of justice.[6] They were both given eight-year prison sentences.[7] Karen Matthews's boyfriend Meehan was convicted on several accounts of possessing child pornography, discovered on his computer during the investigation, but otherwise unrelated to the kidnapping.[8][...]

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