[quote]Frau Priklopil würde Sie gern treffen. Wie ist es mit Ihnen?
Ich schließe das in Anbetracht der Zeitspanne, die bisher verging, eigentlich aus. Es scheint, als hätte diese Frau ihre Schmerzen ganz alleine überwunden und dass etwaige offene Fragen für immer offen bleiben werden. Die interessieren mich auch nicht mehr so.[/quote]
Is it me or is nk being a little hard with Frau P. in this statement? :confused: Two years aren´t a lot of time for a woman who has lost her child (who resulted to be a criminal in the process). Here in Spain Ortega Lara, who was kidnapped and kept in a cellar for 2 years by a terrorist group (ETA), lasted 10 years for giving his first interview (about his kidnapping, at least) to the TV... So, yeah, "this interval of time" (being 2 years), isn´t really too much for a person who has passed such a trauma... I think, Nk. should know it better than me :p. Or perhaps it´s a part of her therapy and she is distancing from "P´s world", but if it´s the case, why would she buy the house and keep the contact with Holzapfel?... But maybe it´s me who is misunderstanding her statement in Kurier, so sorry if it´s the case...
And sorry for writing in english for another time